Tuesday, July 14, 2009

THe song of K-ON ED Reach to the top!!!

yesh!! after for sumtime here is a project tat tissue hime did wit other nico nico member!!!

the song is been arrange by samfree~!!

here are the musician!!

zim --- 骨になるまで留年中の番長。666年生。「卒業できるまでコツコツ頑張ります。」
[TEST] --- USAからの交換留学生。
ティッシュ姫 --- 北高からの転校生。制服はそのまま。共学かと思いきや男子校です。
紅い流星 --- 宇宙からの流学生。素顔はイケメソとの噂。流星の軌道修正が得意。
ショボン --- けいおん部顧問。顔は薄いが腕毛は剛毛。
ピコ --- 新入生。けいおん部のメンバー探しに明け暮れる。
赤飯 --- メイド研究部・インドカレー部のトップ※部員1名

i am speechless!!! the song is been played the way i like it!!! fully lead!!! *well u still cn still hear the rythem but it's been taken over by the bass*

i luv TISSUE HIME!!! n tis time i cn c she/he play!!! wit the face!! *well still wear the mask since it's her/his trademark*

tis makes me wanna play tis song more!!!

u cn c how slim is tissue hime legs nw maru ^^ it's half of mine ^^

here is the vid!! *u nid a nico nico acc for this ^^*


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